Saturday, March 16, 2013

American Dystopian Striptease

The world seems more confusing each passing day. Too often we retreat into our homes to plug ourselves into the media stream and dinner with the family. If you’re trying to wake up from the matrix you’re realizing that we live in the middle of Oz. It’s crazy to assume there are real people behind the curtain pulling the levers.

Little by little our rights as American citizens are being stripped away. We’ve all heard this rant from both sides of the left and right paradigm. Too many new laws and provisions have been instituted in just the last few years. To highlight a devastating blow to the American Constitution is the NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act that now empowers the President to codify indefinite military detention without charge or trail. The scariest potential is how any future president can order the military pick up of any American citizen and imprison them someplace in the world. The EEA, Enemy Expatriation Act takes away the citizenship of any American that is deemed a threat by our own government. Now the NDRP, National Defense Resource Preparedness, recently was updated to include the right for the President to take away the food, energy, health and transportation resources and “all other materials, services, and facilities” under emergency and non-emergency conditions. To make this all sound like it came straight out of a dystopian horror flick, 30,000 drones will be flying in American skies by 2020 — surveying everything. This bill is called the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act.

We need laws — basic rules to live by. The Constitution isn’t perfect, but it protects individual rights. As more civil liberties are stripped away the more dangerous it becomes for us. Why aren’t there a million plus citizens at the footsteps of Washington demanding this to stop? What’s really happening — have we been dumbed-down, poisoned with mercury, chemtrails, vaccines, or stressed out to the max so we become apathetic, unable to cope with reality so we tune into the Kardashians on the soap box. Go ahead, tune into the Duck game. Gather your sports stats. Spend all day on Facebook, link into the talking points on the main stream media channels.

We can ignore that we’re all sitting in a pot of water about to boil us alive as the rising temperatures increase, but if you’re trying to wake up, its time to use your creativity and shout out. The choice must be made on whether we choose to follow the orders of a dictatorship or construct a true unified republic. All it takes is to open the curtain and expose the charade that the Wizard doesn’t have any power unless we give them that power. 

If it has been so easy for the majority of Americans to take little notice of the Constitution disfiguring in this way, than what makes us think that our religious documents haven’t been misrepresented by a sinister order to benefit their plot to conspire for more control?

Michael Tellinger, the author of Slave Species and Adam’s Calendar states “If you don’t understand the past than how can you possibly predict the future?” Our deficit isn’t that our future is blurred, but that we cannot presently see the evidence of our past all around us. We might look at a stone and say, “that is a magnificent stone.” All the while the stone is a remnant from an advanced ancient civilization that span’s far back as 200,000 years and more. Tellinger goes on to say that as a species it is important that we know who we are, where we come from and why we are here. When we have lost our memory of our past we loose our sense of humanity and collectiveness. We then are influenced by those we place in power and must trust that “they” have the right information. Looking at society today, we follow predictable programming. We do what we’re told and most people are not allowed to think outside of their social circles unless they are willing to confront some level of shunning.

It’s hard enough to remember what occurred a year ago let alone a thousand years ago. Humans have been designed to bitch and moan and do nothing to change the very thing that is causing the problem. Likewise it is very difficult to make a change when distractions are in abundance. It appears that nobody knows anything and information is compartmentalized. The filtering of knowledge based on a pyramid power structure. The question remains — who or what exists at the top of this formation?

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