Thursday, May 24, 2012

Believe Nothing, Imagine Instead.

Buddha once said, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
The wise person steps back and realizes they know nothing. I wouldn’t consider myself exactly wise, but someone who seeks to understand and value the path others seek for themselves, even though I do not agree.
Ultimately the challenge for anyone on this planet is to understand and perceive truth as it exist. Not how we want it to exist. My comfortable reality is challenged every day. Reality shifts all the time.
What was once believed to be true a year ago often morphs into something else. The leather jacket I had to have as a teenager to define the image of who I wanted to reflect no longer is as important now. My focus on meditation has shifted from hour long sit down trances to meditating by living in the moment, aware and awake. To absorb one moment at a time and appreciating the interactions I have with people, animals and nature seems more appealing to me now.
            It’s interesting how so many of us on this planet blurt out our beliefs and ideas on politics, religion, and how best to live. So very few of us do not have the answers. Yet, we preach that we do.
I’ve come to believe that we are an incredible species with great potential. Even as we live in a world that seems so chaotic and dark.
The only power we do have is to mold our own consciousness. To create something better in this world we have to own our minds. Most importantly, we must respect the paths others seek as long as they do no harm. This is a colorful multi-hued world we live within. Diversity defeats the robotic reality and imagination is the key to unlocking the mysteries within the human psyche. 
How we respond shapes everyday reality as we walk consciously in this world. Unfortunately, so many of us do not own our own thoughts and beliefs. We borrow them from our families, friends, or some quirky know-it-all in the media with a list of credentials. My first step in learning how to live fully is to realize I know nothing, but I sure like to imagine.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New "Con" vert

Norwescon 35 has come and gone. By the time Sunday arrived my feet were swollen, and I felt myself dragging a bit. Yet, I kept going until it was time to take down the booth and pack up the gear. What an incredible experience of learning about the “con life,” short for conference and nothing to do with illegal behavior of course. I spent most of my time working in the dealer’s room, doing what I do best — talk to people. The finest part of the weekend was chatting and getting to know people. Anyone who knows me well understands how much I enjoy a conversation.
            Meeting guest writers, their spouses, and artists from many different mediums to share their knowledge at panels was a delight. Even better was the opportunity to mingle at the DAW party in the Penthouse. Wow, what a treat! Especially to meet Bruce Taylor, Mr. Magical Realism, who writes the genre within Science Fiction and Fantasy of Magical Realism, a term I have identified my writing style. I’ve become inspired by his enthusiasm for the genre and had the most mind expanding and deep discussions with him. Bruce Taylor has taken science fiction to a new “heightened reality.” He explains it as writing through “a symbolic structure, giving us a new way of perceiving the world, as if through a child looking at the world for the first time.” Movies in this genre include “Like Water for Chocolate, the Postman, What Dreams May Come, the Truman Show, Pleasantville, American Beauty,” and I would add my favorite movies such as Avatar and my new screenplay, The Light Warrior. 
            At the party, I picked up a copy of the new anthology of the co-edited book by Bruce Taylor and Elton Elliott “Like Water for Quarks: The Intersection of Magic Realism and Science Fiction.” It features such authors as Ray Bradbury, Ursala K. Leguin, Brian Herbert, Jay Lake, William F. Nolan, Patrick Swenson and of course Bruce Taylor. The included bonus was the personalized autograph of Bruce Taylor and Patrick Swenson. I still need Jay Lake’s autograph. I forgot to ask him before I left the party. I hope to have a chance soon to get it for the book and memories of my time at Norwescon 35.
            I was fortunate enough to listen to a reading by my fellow NIWA member and comrade, Lizzy Shannon. Her story, “Time Travel at the Legananny Dolmen” brought tears to my eyes as she read it. I’m not sure if it was the combination of her Irish accent and the gripping artistry of her words, or the fact that it touched me deeply as I could identify to the subject so closely. Regardless, it was beautiful.
            It was hard to find time to attend a panel. I probably went to four total since my time was needed at the booth in the dealer’s room as we were a little short handed due to members not able to attend. We had a great time overall. Thank you Robert, James, Amanda, Annie, and anyone else I may have missed but not forgotten, for your support of Indie writers.
Each day after standing in heels, I went back to my room for a quick rest to regain blood flow in my toes, and then it was back in the shuttle to the Doubletree to celebrate and have fun with my NIWA comrades and explore the “con” nightlife!
I’m now preparing for my third con in July — Westercon. Hopefully, I’ve learned a sufficient amount and might not be such a “con virgin” as the expert devotee’s call it. Overall, the conference gave me an enthusiasm to continue my writing career for love of the art. I have so much more to learn and hope that this path leads to imparting more magical realist stories.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Norwescon: Another Adventure Awaits

Just last October I learned about the world of Cons. It was a fun-filled weekend meeting new people, sharing information about my book and NIWA, a marketing independent book association. Today I prepare for my departure early tomorrow morning for Norwescon, a science fiction and fantasy convention up in Seattle. I still feel a little intimidated having only been to one other Con, but I’m a quick learner. The best part about a convention is meeting and talking to a wide range of people. And of course dressing up and having fun. I expect that Norwescon will be another adventure for me. Pictures will be posted on my website of all the great highlights. I will mainly be in the dealer’s room or out at the lobby table representing NIWA. I plan to attend several panels to expand my knowledge about writing and learning from the experts. Hope to see you, comment on my pictures or give me a shout out if you can’t make it. Sending out rays of Light.